Conferences, articles

M. Frunzete, A. Popescu, J. P. Barbot, "Dynamical Discrete-Time Rössler Map with Variable Delay", Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 431-446.

Violeta Poenaru, Anca Popescu, Carmen Patrascu, Roxana Cuculici, "Assessment Of Rosia Jiu Mining Area Through TerraSAR-X New Imaging Modes", FRINGE 2015, ESRIN, Italy, March 2015.

M. Frunzete, A. Popescu, J. P. Barbot, "A Classification of Test Purposes based on Testable Properties Dynamical Discrete-Time Rossler Map with Variable Delay", ICCSA 2015, Calgary, Canada.

Stefan Florin Balan, Valentin Poncos, Delia Teleaga, Bogdan Felix Apostol, "Satellite Observations and the Mitigation of Seismic Risk", 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM, June 2015, Bulgaria.

A. Julea, T. Julea, D. Teleaga, V. Poncos, C. Ionescu, "Urban monitoring by sequential patterns extracted from multi-temporal satellite data using connectivity measures", sent to Conf. of IEEE- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IGARSS), Quebec, Canada, 2014.

Carmen Patrascu, Daniela Faur, Anca Popescu, Mihai Datcu, "Class evolution data analytics from sar image time series using information theory measures", ongoing review, IEEE International Confrence on Image Processing - ICIP 2014 (article).

Florin Serban, Delia Teleaga, Sorin Constantin, Rodica Nicolae, "Critical Infrastructure Monitoring Using Earth Observation Techniques", International Symposium on Nuclear Energy (SIEN), Bucharest, 2013.

Anca Popescu, Mihai Datcu, "An analysis on the contribution of the phase component for scene class recognition in TerraSAR-X scenes", TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, DLR, 2013.

Anca Popescu, Mihai Datcu, Madalin Frunzete, "Complex statistics of Synthetic Aperture Radar data using high resolution TerraSAR-X images", TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, DLR, 2013.

Valentin PONCOS, Delia TELEAGA, Carmen PATRASCU, Mihai DATCU, "Monitoring Urban Subsidence in Bucharest City with TerraSAR-X", 5th TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, DLR – Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, June 2013.

A. Julea, N. Méger, "Connectivity constraint-based sequential pattern extraction from Satellite Image Time Series", in Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing – SPIE Remote Sensing 2013, Dresden, Germany, September 2013.

Balan Stefan Florin, Apostol Felix Bogdan, Toma-Danila Dragos, "Complex Researches and Monitoring for the Mitigation of Seismic Risk of Bucharest Area", INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spacial Information in the European Community, Florenta , Italy, June 2013.

S. F. Balan, B. F. Apostol, D. Teleaga, D. Toma, “Case Studies of Hazard Assesment for Bucharest Metropolitan Area”, International Workshop: «Mega Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Subduction Zones–Forecasting Approaches and Implications for Hazard Assessment», Rhodes Isl., Greece, 6-8 October, 2014. ISBN 978-960-564-200-6 (extended abstract).(p: 20-21)

F. Serban, R. Nicolae, D. Teleaga, S. Constantin, “Critical Infrastructure Monitoring Using Earth Observation Techniques”, FOREN Central and Eastern Europe Energy Forum 2014

F. Serban, R. Nicolae, D. Teleaga, S. Constantin, “Monitorizarea infrastructurii critice cu ajutorul tehnicilor de observare a Pamantului pe baza datelor satelitare”, Revista Infomediu, nr. 11, noiembrie – decembrie 2014

The documents are available for consultation on request

Phase 1

    As result of the activities developed within the project’s phase 1, a report was delivered, comprising the following:
  • Identification and description of the identified potential users.
  • The initial technical requirements for the services operation.
  • Utilization scenarios.
  • Monitoring services description and the inventory of the main technical specifications.
  • Description of the main architecture of the monitoring services.
  • Algorithms for:
    • - Multiple Aperture Interferometry (MAI);
      - Grouped Frequent Sequential Patterns extraction;
  • Description of the interest zones and of the spots where GPS measurements will be done; description of the test cases for the validation of the MAI and GFSP algorithms and preliminary results.

The abstract of phase 1 technical report is available here.

The full report is available on request.

Phase 2

    Following the activities conducted within the second phase of the project, a report was delivered, comprising:
  • Preoperational implementation fo the three services CIMS, SIMS and SMMS: main monitoring services architecture and presentation of the status of their implementation.
  • MSFG / GFSP methods testing and validation technical description.
  • Presentation of the obtained preliminary products: deformation maps and profiles resulted from satellite images, for Bucharest and for the Cernavoda nuclear plant area.
  • Short presentation of Sentinel – 1 mission and its acquisition modes, with focus on the Interferometric Wide Swath Mode.

The abstract of phase 1 technical report is available here.

The full report is available on request.

Phase 3

    Following the activities conducted within the third phase of the project, a report was delivered, comprising:
  • Testing and validating the MAI technique. Processing interferograms with the MAI technique.
  • Correlation of the deformation profiles with the seismic activity and seismic risk maps. Correlation between local conditions and deformations in the area of Bucharest city during small and medium earthquakes.
  • LOS PSI analysis for the Cernavoda NPP premises.
  • Initial validation. Collect users’ feedback.
  • Develop a new re-sampling technique for TOPSAR spectre.

The abstract of phase 3 technical report is available here.

The full report is available on request.

Phase 4

    Following the activities conducted within the fourth phase of the project, a report was delivered, comprising:
  • Create TOPSAR interferograms and model the phase noise. Create Sentinel-1 interferograms.
  • Detect temporal patterns in the phase profiles resulted from the LOS PSI analysis over Bucharest area (part 1).
  • Introduce the new InSAR research results in the micro-zone map of Bucharest area.
  • Implement the CIMS, SIMS and SMMS prototypes (part 1).
  • Validate PSI measurements with leveling measurements.
  • Dissemination.

The abstract of phase 4 technical report is available here.

The full report is available on request.


Phase 5

    Available in 2016